The Art of Career Transitioning by Vincent James Giovinazzo
In this day and age, the era of getting a high paying job straight out of college, working your way up the corporate ladder, and then retiring from the same company in which you started thirty or forty years ago is over. Rarely, if ever, do people stay in one industry anymore, let alone one position or company. Rather, the modern professional will change careers from between five and seven times in their lives. In addition, about one third of the total workforce will change jobs every twelve months. Of course, this statistic is an estimate and an average and does not apply to all individuals. What’s more, with more and more people doing online and freelance work, they appear to be switching “jobs” more than careers or industries. Nonetheless, it is abundantly clear that the professional world has changed and those wanting to stay head of the game need to foster skills that will allow them to transition between jobs careers,and industries. As I found out during a recent transit...